Monday, July 26, 2010

Kittens: The new batch

I'm afraid I have been neglecting this thing awfully, but I have good reason! For awhile there, I was harboring six kittens! Three from the bottle-fed group, and three more from a new litter that was found and given to me to care for since no one else could take them. Six kittens, in my relatively tiny, 800 square-foot apartment, is beyond critical mass. (That's not including my two large adult cats, mind you.) I have been living la vida cat lady. I'm happy to report, however, that all but one of my six have been adopted. Only Peapod from the original litter remains.

They grow up so fast! She's gone from a wiggly, potbellied critter to a sleek young thing in no time at all. The fact that she hasn't gone to a loving family baffles me, since I've never seen a cat so ga-ga for attention--pick her up and she just purrs like a motorboat. And look at her gorgeous whiskers and handsome socks! Her Petfinder profile is here, and she'll be at the Best Friends on the Boulevard event this Saturday at the Mall of Louisiana, so you can meet her up close and see if you want a lovely tuxedo kitten in your family.

Of course, the house couldn't remain empty for long, and last week I found myself picking up two more strays--I got calls to take in two new kittens within a couple of hours of each other. The first was a three-to-four week old white kitten found at a gas station and turned in to animal control.

The second was a gray five-to-six-week-old kitten found in the back room of a party supply store.

Being, as I believe I've mentioned in previous posts, insane, I agreed to take them both on. Despite not being related in any way, I've dubbed the white one Loki and the gray one Odin, and they are both absolute dearhearts. Loki is currently confined to a bathroom, too small to be trusted even around a kitten-proofed apartment alone, but walk near his domain and he'll start crying noisily for attention. Pick him up and he cries even louder until you hold him close, whereupon he immediately begins to purr and nibble on your clothes. Odin has to be frequently pushed away at night because of his persistent habit of kneading my hair and purring like a small jet engine--he leaps against your hands for pets and scratches behind the ear.

I'll be putting up profiles for these two in the next couple of weeks, so keep your eyes on the Project Purr Petfinder page!